Helping Refugees Achieve the American Dream

Helping Refugees Achieve the American Dream

One of the services we care most passionately about at the Business Center for New Americans is providing refugees in New York with access to financial tools.

That is why I am particularly honored that the Office of Refugee Resettlement has invited me to address a special workshop at the Office of Refugee Resettlement 2011 National Consultation: Bridges to a New Future, which will be held August 1st & 2nd in Washington, D.C.  Banner

The workshop, “Helping Refugees Achieve the American Dream,” will address microenterprise and IDA services for refugees. I will be joined on the panel by Belaye Embaye of the ORR, Marijana Ababovic or the Institute of Social and Economic Development (ISED), and John Scribner of Coastal Enterprises, Inc.

I’m really looking forward to seeing old and new friends next week at what promises to be an exciting and in-depth review of successful ways of serving refugees.

If you can’t be there, be sure to follow updates on Twitter!